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Indigo Love Of Reading Foundation

Writer: Donna J.A. OlsonDonna J.A. Olson

So everyone has their charities that they love to give to and I have mine. One of my absolute favorite charities to give to is the Indigo Love Of Reading Foundation. So let me give you a little info about it. 

The Indigo Love Of Reading Foundation is dedicated to putting books in the hands of Canadian children. High need schools in Canada get money from this foundation to stock libraries up with books for the children. 

Many children rely on their school libraries as their only source of books, and the sad fact is that here in Canada many school libraries are extremely underfunded and do not have many book, and certainly do not have many new ones. Because of this many kids are not reading, and definitely do not enjoy it. When needed to do it they treat it as a chore and many kids end up reading below their grade level just because of their lack of access to books.

This foundation give the school libraries here in Canada the funding they need to get books so that all kids can have access to amazing stories for free. It doesn't matter how much technology we have in this world, we need literacy. And making it accessible like this help children grow. There are books out there for everyone they just need to be able to have the access to them.

So, not only is this an amazing foundation right here in my own country but it is super easy to donate. When you are in a chapters indigo bookstore or online at Chapters Indigo you can donate at the checkout. You simply say how much you want to donate, there is not limit. Whether you want to donate $1 or $100 it is up to you.

Or you can donate right on their foundation page

#LoveOfReading is needed for all Canadian schools for the children to have better access to books, and I love as an author and a reader donating to this amazing and wonderful foundation.


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